Your easy and secure online payment provider

Gain benefits from being a partner

Get a dedicated account manager and profit from personal support for your clients.

Save time with an easy to use REST API

Our flexible REST API is fully customisable and easy to integrate. Save development time and design your checkout according to your client's needs.

Get a dedicated account manager

Every partner is given a dedicated account manager to look after the clients that you refer. They make sure everything runs smoothly whilst on-boarding your client.

Gain new, exciting customers

As a secured-pay Partner, you will be listed in our Partner Portal. Maintain your Partner profile and present yourself to a great number of potential clients.

Find an agency

Looking for some help to work on a project?

Find a partner

“The topic of online payment was suddenly no longer scary. Instead, it has even become a joy because it works as simply as it should do.”

Jean Wichert, Managing Director of Digital Cube